Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Birthday List

Well, my birthday is coming relatively soon (it's not until March, but that counts as "relatively soon" to me), and I've been bored lately, so I decided to tell you guys what I want for my birthday or what I plan to buy soon for the hell of it. Here it is:

Xbox 360 Pro/Premium/Regular system (might want/get a used/refurbished one)
A second Xbox 360 controller
Halo 3
Call of Duty: World at War (Xbox 360)
Xbox Live

I'll update this list when I feel like doing it, but as you can see, I'm all 360'ed out right now. I played it with my step brother last night, and I actually liked using it a lot! It's a shame it costs quite a bit of money, but I think that it will be so worth it, as I know a bunch of guys that have one. I know I've been posting a lot for the past couple of days, but I think that makes up for my lack of posting for the past month. See you guys later!


Jeagle said...

Trust me. It's worth it. Also, when you get your Gamertag, I can show you how to put it here on your blog in the side bar, and even your desktop. It's not that hard :)

Ashley said...

Maybe you Can Upload 2 parts of 1 episode on youtube and the full episode on dailymotion. Congratz anyway